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Jesus is Rainbow of my Life : by Sr. Jyothi Kota JMJ Bangalore

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you.” – Jeramiah 1:5
I love Rainbow. As soon as I see a hint of sunlight during a rain, I am outside in an instant, looking for those
brilliant colours in the sky. As I stood admiring this phenomenon, I was struck by how often God’s love had
shown itself to me in this way – through inspiration bringing me a sense of healing, forgiveness and protection.
Sometimes the “storms” I encounter in my personal life would weigh me down with grief, frustration or fear.
But what I’ve come to realize is that they do not ultimately have the power to crush my desire and determination
to follow the ONE I decided to follow. Looking at the Rainbow in my imagination, fills me with an inspiration
and sense of purpose. When I patiently trust the warm “sunshine” of God’s ever-loving care, His tender
mercies and His abiding presence through my sisters, friends and family, I had the courage to rise up again –
see renewed vision, enthusiasm, and healing joy breaking forth in my life.
Resilience amid life’s storms, that springs forth from my deep faith and trust in JESUS, enabled me to go
through the difficult times with confidence, courage and conviction of His divine Love – my God Father and
Mother. I have found that my spiritual strength bounces into my life from the God-given resilience with the
assurance of God in JESUS my Rainbow and Redeemer!
Rainbow as a metaphor inspires me to continue and endure through dark times, filling me with the hope of
resurrection. It reminds me of God’s abiding presence in my life and merciful self-emptying love of JESUS
the RAINBOW of my life… who blesses me to see the colors of life and to bounce back to life from the midst
of stormy weather. May this Rainbow image remind us of God’s love and encourage us to set our lives on fire
of service to God and humanity as the first priority in our lives.
At the U-turn in my life, I am determined to follow this JESUS. At this conviction my soul rejoices and
magnifies the Lord! My favorite pious maxim of our founder, “God has His eyes on you as though you
alone exist” encourages me to surrender my will to God. Like Blessed Mother Mary and our Founder Fr.
Mathias Wolff my only prayer is “Let Thy will be done” 
Sr. Jyothi Kota
JMJ Provincialate, Bangalore

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