Society of Jesus Mary Joseph - Pastoral Care & Evangelization

“If I proclaim the Gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me and woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel.” (1Cor: 9.16)
We as JMJ Sisters by our very vocation are called to be women of God, Evangelizers and Catechists. Our life witness through institutional service, charitable and cultural activities and prayerful presence are powerful means of evangelization.
Imbued with the Eucharistic spirit we courageously proclaim the liberating message of God’s Kingdom that another world is possible marked by selfless love and generous self-giving, building human communities with the Kingdom values and spreading the knowledge of faith and thus bringing fullness of life to all.
The activities carried out in our communities are:
– Teaching Catechism
– Preparation for adult Baptism
– Visiting the sick, families and villages
– Basic Christian Communities
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