The spiritual dynamism of a community is fostered by silence, personal prayer, community prayer, sacramental practice and faith-sharing. Sisters are attentive to create proper balance between work and leisure, recreation and silence, conversation and recollectedness.

The following spiritual practices help us to grow in our spiritual life(Cons. no.29-37)

  1. Personal prayer daily one hour

  2. Meditation on the Word of God

  3. Daily Eucharist and Eucharistic adoration

  4. Sacrament of reconciliation

  5. Daily examination of consciousness

  6. Praying daily the Liturgy of the Hours as a Community

  7. Devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph

  8. Devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary

  9. Reading of Documents of our Congregation and Founder’s Writings

  10. Holy Scripture and spiritual reading

  11. Eight-day Ignatian retreat annually

  12. Monthly Recollections

  13. Spiritual Direction


In our living together, we believe that God, who brought us together supports, journeys with and inspires us to live in communion in sisterly love and understanding.
We live together as a community in a legitimately established house and to carry out the ministries of the Congregation for the needs of the universal Church and of the world.
Community prayer, sharing of meals and recreation are important means to shape our communities. (Cont.40)

Three hall marks of our community life are –

  1. Hospitality to everyone who visits us.

  2. Compassionate care of the sick and ailing sisters in our Congregation.

  3. Great value for our ageing members recognizing their hard-labour, richness of their experience and valuing their presence in the community.

Society of Jesus Mary Joseph - Our Life Together

Community Life: We strive to build truly Eucharistic and Prophetic communities towards the fullness of life marked by true sisterhood, transcending all divisions and celebrating the differences where every Sister feels a sense of belonging and loyalty towards the Society realizing that we have a common mission in the community.

Community Built on

Praying Together: Because we have chosen for common life in the service of the Kingdom, common prayer is important.

Dining Together: Working together at the mutual bond, appears as the realization of a home where all can be seated at one table.

Being Together: In our communities, we want to give expression to our faith that Christ has brought us together to support and enrich one another.

Working Together: In our community, we all want to co-operate in bringing about an atmosphere in which we support and inspire one another, for this, it is necessary that we are able to sink our own desires in order to meet the real desires of others.

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