The Society of Jesus Mary Joseph is one of the International Congregations in the Catholic Church. Rev.Fr. Mathias Wolff SJ, a man of faith filled with missionary spirit, moved by the Spirit of the Lord and the then prevailing need of education of girl children in the Netherlands, founded the Society of Jesus Mary Joseph at Amersfoort, Holland on 29th July 1822with a charism “An Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability”.The strong and the well-motivated missionary spirited seven JMJ Dutch missionaries arrived to India in 1904, which is then the underdeveloped country. They bade goodbye forever to their dear ones; with indomitable courage ventured out to an unknown far-off land to serve the people whose language and customs were so alien. Today India has four provinces and one region in Africa, New Mexico and Rome with 875 sisters across the globe presently and 5450 sisters from its inception serving most in rural and urban areas, in the fields of Education, in community development programmes, dispensaries, health centers, mentally challenged, Physically handicapped, and Social Work focusing on trafficking women and tribals, community colleges for dropouts, home for the aged, differently abled, lepers, integrated schools for the blind, deaf and dumb, collaboration with GOs and NGOs. Owing to reasons beyond our control, the missions in Australia and Tanzania were closed. Sisters, understood and lived the heritage of the society to the words of “the unconditional pliability with respect to the never-to-be predicted, never-to-be comprehended and no-where-to-be-fixed will of God, always coming to us with new demands we want to keep as the most precious heritage of our Society” (JMJ Constitution Art. No.3)