With the Lord of the World for the World of the Lor​d

The Society of Jesus Mary Joseph is an International Congregation founded by Rev. Fr.Mathias Wolff S.J in 1822 in the Nederlands with a view to liberate the Catholics. He realized that the best means for this is to educate women through a religious Congregation of women. Although this was his aim in founding the Congregation, he wanted his Sisters to go to any part of the world and take up any apostolate according to the signs of the time and needs of the people in the spirit of an “Ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability”. Thus the Society spread to different parts of the world to carry out the charism in a creative way by taking up different apostolates.

JMJ in Bangalore

After the division of the one Indian Province into three, a new era began for the Bangalore Province. The Province was officially inaugurated on July 19, 1987 with Sr.Joanette Mallavarapu as the first Provincial Superior. The office of the Provincialate was temporarily established on a wing of the novitiate building in St.Stanislaus campus.The Provincialate could not function long there in the formation house with its limited facilities, thus shifted to the newly built Provincialate in JMJ Health Centre, Nagavara Campus, a quiet and suitable place.